Reduce Construction Energy Consumption

The SLCDPU New WRF Project is conserving resources and reducing greenhouse gases and air pollutant emissions by reducing energy consumption during construction. The project team has conducted an initial planning review to identify and analyze options for reducing energy consumption during construction. Several of the reduction strategies identified and implemented include:

Using electric tower cranes that are emissions free;

Using electric-powered golf carts instead of vehicles fueled by fossil fuels for in and around transportation on the project site;

Reduce overall fuel consumption by reducing number of deliveries;

Enforcing the Salt Lake City’s Idle Free Ordinance;

The onsite reuse of soils and other materials to decrease truck traffic to and from the project site;

Reducing onsite trucking through effective logistics planning (i.e. staging material near work areas);

Onsite material processing plant in lieu of trucking material to the site; and

Fabrication of design elements.